Kutseregister Kutseregister
Occupational Qualification Standards: Psychologist IV

Standard is not valid
General Data
Name in English: ET: Psühholoog IV
EN: Psychologist IV
  • Counseling psychologist IV
  • Organizational psychologist IV
Partial occupational qualifications:
Valid from: 08.12.2011
Valid to: 31.12.2013
Occupational qualification standard version no.: 3
Awarding Bodies: Andmed puuduvad
B Competency Requirements
B.2 Competences
Competences related to specialisations
Counseling psychologist IV
Organizational psychologist IV

C General information and Annexes
Designation of occupational qualification standard in register: 05-08122011-6.5/3
Field of occupational activity: Health
Occupational Qualification Council: Health Care and Social Work
No. of decision of Occupational Qualification Council: 8
Date of decision of Occupational Qualification Council: 08.12.2011
EstQF level:
Reference to European Qualifications Framework (EQF):
Subfield: Psychology
Occupation: Psychologist
International Standard Classification of Occupations: 2 Professionals
26 Legal, Social and Cultural Professionals
263 Social and Religious Professionals
2634 Psychologists
ISCED Fields of Education and Training (ISCED-F 2013): 03 Social sciences, journalism and information
031 Social and behavioural sciences
0313 Psychology
Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (NACE): Q HUMAN HEALTH AND SOCIAL WORK ACTIVITIES
86 Human health activities

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