An occupational qualification standard is a document which describes the set of skills, knowledge and attitudes, i.e. competence requirements, needed to successfully accomplish duties. Occupational qualification standards are used for compiling curricula and awarding qualifications.
The aim of an interior architect's work is to create an aesthetic whole in an interior, taking all structural engineering and functional aspects of the building/room into account. An interior architect's work is closely related to that of architects, construction engineers and other designers in the... engineering sector, so the interior architect must comprehend and analyse the solutions of those sectors of design and make appropriate suggestions.
An interior architect works according to the initial task, best practice in design and construction, the legislation in force, normative documents and the agreement with their customer.
Four occupational qualification standards have been developed for the profession:
a) Interior Architect, Level 6
b) Diploma Interior Architect, Level 7
c) Chartered Interior Architect, Level 7
d) Chartered/Principal Interior Architect, Level 8
Chartered/Principal Interior Architect, Level 8 is a leading specialist who creates, assesses and leads interior architectural projects of varying degrees of complexity as a leading interior architect or project manager for the following buildings according to the requirements of the construction permit, the purpose of use and fire safety¹:
- Residential buildings
- Non-residential buildings
They conduct expert assessment of interior architectural projects and audits of interior architectural solutions, incl. for buildings that are considered demanding in terms of their architectural level and functional complexity and are of high public interest².
An interior architect at this level is able to act as a design project manager, guide their colleagues and lead the work of working groups, ensuring the integrity and compatibility of individual parts of the construction design documentation.
¹ MEAC regulation 02.06.2015 no. 51 'List of Purposes of Use of Construction Works' and regulation 30.03.2017 no. 17 of the Minister of the Interior, Annex 1, 'Classification of Buildings According to Fire Safety'
² e.g. the interiors of historical buildings, buildings under protection, buildings located in city centres or areas of cultural and historical value, buildings that are remarkable for their design or location and buildings that have a representative function. MoreHide
A.2 Work units
A.2.1 Designing interior architecture for buildings
1. Analysis of primary conditions and space and creation of the initial task and a plan of action
2. Creation of visions and sketches for interior spaces
3. Creation of the interior architectural part of construction design documentation during ...preliminary, main and work project stages
4. Formulation and documentation of the interior architectural part of construction design documentation
5. Participation in the coordination process
6. Formulation and documentation of the interior architectural project
A.2.2 Consulting on issues concerning interior architecture
1. Consultation on the function and planning of solutions for interior architecture
2. Consultation on the engineering solutions and materials used in solutions for interior architecture
A.2.3 Performing designer’s supervision
1. Providing explanations and resolving problems and disagreements about design solutions during construction
2. Coordination of the product sketches required in work projects
3. Verification of the realisation of the interior required in work projects
A.2.4 Assessing solutions for existing space and planned interior architecture
1. Assessment of the compatibility and spatial synergy between the individual parts of construction design
2. Provision of expert assessment of interior architectural projects
3. Conducting audits of interiors
A.2.5 Designing furniture and interior decoration elements
1. Identification of the needs of and technological options available to the customer
2. Design of furniture and interior decoration elements MoreHide
A.3 Work environment and specific nature of work
An interior architect works both indoors and on construction sites. Their work is creative, but can periodically cause mental stress. The workload may be distributed unevenly.
A.4 Tools
An interior architect uses regular office equipment, the software required for their occupation and other tools.
A.5 Personal qualities required for work: abilities and characteristics
The work of an interior architect requires spatial imagination, creativity, the ability to analyse and generalise, independence, decision-making skills, accuracy and communication, leadership and collaboration skills.
The job also requires negotiation skills.
A.6 Professional preparation
Chartered/Principal Interior Architect, Level 8 has a Master's degree in their specialty and long-term work experience.
A.7 Most common occupational titles
Interior architect.
A.8 Regulations governing profession
Planning Code and Planning Act and their relevant implementing acts, Act to Implement Building Code and Planning Act.
B Competency Requirements
B.1 Structure of occupation
Competency Requirements:
Five mandatory competences (B.2.1-B.2.5) and one recurring competence (B.2.6) are described in the occupational qualification standard of Chartered/Principal Interior Architect, Level 8.
To obtain the qualification of Chartered/Principal Interior Architect, Level 8 all competences must be certified.... MoreHide
B.2 Competences
Mandatory competences
EstQF Level
Creating the interior architectural part of the construction design documentation of a building in its individual stages
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Performance indicators:
1. Analyses the spatial environment constructed and/or the source data of the construction project, taking long-term trends and the needs of spatial, economic, social, natural, historical, cultural and other types of environments into account. Designs primary positions for the creation of a spatial whole. Creates the initial task and spatial programme for the interior architectural part of the construction project of a building, incl. buildings of high public interest, and formulates a plan of action.
2. Creates spatial visions and strategies based on the source data of the constructed spatial environment and/or construction project. Develops functionally, aesthetically and economically balanced sketch solutions for buildings, incl. buildings of high public interest.
3. Creates a spatial whole for the constructed spatial environment and/or construction project according to previous analyses and sketch solutions. Creates the interior architectural part of the construction design documentation of a building, incl. buildings of high public interest, in the preliminary, main and work project stages in collaboration with the designers of other parts of the construction documentation and according to norms, standards, legislation in force and agreements with the customer. Is able to lead the work of a working group.
4. Explains and justifies solutions for interior architecture and answers in a comprehensible way any questions raised.
Shares information with the parties in a comprehensible way, selecting the appropriate communication style and channel for each individual target group.
5. Participates in the coordination of solutions for the interior architecture of buildings with the creators of other parts of the project.
6. Formulates the graphic, textual and illustrative parts of the interior architectural project according to current norms and guidelines using the appropriate technical tools, correct Estonian language and occupational terminology.
Consulting on issues concerning interior architecture
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Performance indicators:
1. Advises customers on the creation of solutions for the interior architecture of the construction project of a building, incl. buildings of high public interest, taking the specific characteristics of a building and public interest into account.
2. Advises customers on the engineering solutions and materials used in solutions for the interior architecture of buildings. Consults with or involves a specialist, if needed.
Performing designer’s supervision
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Performance indicators:
1. Provides explanations for the interior architectural project and resolves any problems that arise during construction due to discrepancies between the project and the actual situation.
2. Reviews and coordinates product sketches. Supervises the production of a prototype.
3. Verifies that the realisation of the interior part of the project matches the design.
Assessing solutions for existing space and planned interior architecture
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Performance indicators:
1. Assesses how the interior architectural solutions of buildings, incl. buildings of high public interest, match and fit the design, taking the interests of the parties involved, the specific characteristics of the space, conditions and limitations into account.
2. Provides expert assessment of the interior architectural projects of buildings, incl. buildings that are of high public interest, according to the local cultural space, the goals set, aesthetics, quality, standards and legislation in force.
3. Conducts audits of the interiors of buildings according to local cultural space, aesthetics, quality, standards and legislation in force.
Designing furniture and interior decoration elements
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Performance indicators:
1. Identifies the needs of a customer according to individual requirements (ergonomics, location-based requirements, functionality, usable materials, technological and material capabilities, etc.).
2. Designs furniture (incl. standard furniture) and interior decoration elements according to the initial task. Participates in the product development process, bearing in mind aesthetics, ergonomic parameters, functional needs and technological capabilities.
Recurring competences
EstQF Level
Recurring competences of Chartered/Principal Interior Architect, Level 8
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Performance indicators:
1. Negotiates using a variety of communication techniques. Comprehends the needs of a large number of parties involved and participates in finding balanced solutions to any underlying issues that may arise. Is able to handle contradictory and non-standard situations.
2. Leads their own activity or that of the creators of other parts of the construction project and prepares and provides initial tasks for them. Is familiar with the specific nature of the work of other parties and their effect on the interior architectural project.
3. Is familiar with the principles of construction design and work organisation, incl. the principles of cooperation between the members of a design team and the creation of a comprehensive construction project.
4. Leads and organises the work of a design team: delegates tasks, motivates, consults and solves any problems that arise during the working process.
5. Creates trust through the full and precise execution of their work. Acts in accordance with agreements, behaves consistently and takes responsibility for their decisions and actions.
6. Is informed about and takes into account innovations, knowledge and best practice in their sector and specialty and the requirements of legal acts.
7. Analyses their experience and skills and assesses their need for self-improvement. Participates in further training and takes advantage of opportunities to further themselves professionally.
8. Participates in competitions and exhibitions in their area of specialty. Contributes to the development of the sector through a variety of activities, e.g. participating in law-making, tutoring students, translating professional literature, writing professional articles, conducting training activities and participating in the work of juries.
9. Uses a computer daily for information processing, communication, safety and problem-solving at the Independent user level and for content creation at the Basic user level (see Annex 1 – Scale of self-assessment in digital competence). Uses the modern software solutions (incl. CAD) necessary for their work. Is familiar with other software solutions used for design, incl. BIM.
10. Is fluent in Estonian and uses correct occupational terminology. Is able to communicate professionally in at least one foreign language. (See Annex 2 – Language skills level descriptions)
11. Comprehends the nature of the role of an interior architect, their profession and ethics in society, takes social factors into account and follows the requirements of occupational ethics in their activities.
1) general cultural history, social organisation and environmental awareness;
2) principles of the functioning of the economic and business environment;
3) legislation and legal acts relevant to the occupation;
4) project and presentation graphics;
5) occupational ethics of an interior architect;
6) basics of teamwork management;
7) history and theories of art and culture, incl. architecture, interior architecture and design;
8) principles of architectonics and spatial composition;
9) cultural and spatial semiotics;
10) typology of buildings and interiors;
11) principles of space and furniture ergonomics;
12) safety techniques, incl. fire safety, interior railing safety, material safety and child safety;
13) acoustics;
14) lighting design;
15) engineering disciplines and general construction technology, incl. structures, indoor climate control systems, electricity and water supply;
16) principles of construction physics and energy efficiency;
17) knowledge of solutions for people with special needs;
18) principles of furniture design and technology;
19) occupational terminology.
C General information and Annexes
Designation of occupational qualification standard in register:
Field of occupational activity:
Architecture, Geomatics, Construction and Real Estate
Occupational Qualification Council:
Architecture, Geomatics, Construction and Real Estate
No. of decision of Occupational Qualification Council:
Date of decision of Occupational Qualification Council:
EstQF level:
Reference to European Qualifications Framework (EQF):