Kutseregister Kutseregister
Occupational Qualification Standards: Masseur, EstQF Level 5

Standard is not valid
General Data
Use of Occupational Qualification Standard: An occupational qualification standard is a document which describes the set of skills, knowledge and attitudes, i.e. competence requirements, needed to successfully accomplish duties. Occupational qualification standards are used for compiling curricula and awarding qualifications.
Name in English: ET: Massöör, tase 5
EN: Masseur, EstQF Level 5
Partial occupational qualifications:
Valid from: 28.11.2018
Valid to: 22.03.2023
Occupational qualification standard version no.: 8
Awarding Bodies: Andmed puuduvad
Curricula and Educational institutions
  Educational institution Name of curriculum Code of curriculum Level of curriculum Duration of training programm Date of registration of curriculum Status
1 Eesti Massaaži- ja Teraapiakool Masseur 155157 452 Viienda taseme kutseõppe esmaõpe (vv alates 01.09.2013) 2/0 25.02.2019 Vastuvõttu ei toimu, õppimine keelatud
2 Eesti Massaaži- ja Teraapiakool Masseur/masseuse 130737 452 Viienda taseme kutseõppe esmaõpe (vv alates 01.09.2013) 2/1 30.11.2018 Vastuvõttu ei toimu, õppimine keelatud
A Description of work
A.1 Description of work
The job of the masseur is to give massages to clients (mostly with the hands, but also occasionally using the feet, massage cups, etc.) in order to restore their physical and mental capabilities, prevent health problems, strengthen the body's overall resistance and increase well-being. They prepare ...the workplace, establish contact with the client, collect their history and give a massage using correct and appropriate massage techniques. They advise and instruct clients and refer them to health care specialists, where needed.

There is also an occupational qualification standard for Massage Therapist, EstQF Level 6.

A.2 Work units
A.2.1 Customer service, service and introduction of products
1. Customer service.
2. Introducing services and products.

A.2.2 Massage and supporting activities
1. Preparing and organising the workplace and tools.
2. Collecting the client’s medical history and assessing their situation; prepar...
ation for the massage.
3. Choosing the type of massage and preparing for it.
4. Giving the massage.
5. Ending the massage.
6. Evaluation of results.

A.2.3 Massage business
1. Choosing a form of business and planning activities.
2. Managing a salon.
3. Planning marketing and sales campaigns.

A.3 Work environment and specific nature of work
The work environment of the masseur must be ergonomic, clean, well lit, ventilated and warm. The specific nature of the work of a masseur/masseuse involves direct contact with the client's body. This results in a delicate situation in which the client must feel safe and comfortable. The masseur/mass...euse can work in massage salons, at the client's workplace, in spa centres, etc.
A.4 Tools
A masseur mostly uses massage tables, massage mats, pillows, blankets, sheets, oils, cleaning products, etc. Various colours, scents, sounds and lighting are used to set the mood.
A.5 Personal qualities required for work: abilities and characteristics
The job of a masseur requires physical capability and analytical, synthesis and service skills. A masseur/masseuse is empathetic, trustworthy, cooperative, adaptable, creative and with high tolerance physical and mental stress. They are also attentive and delicate.
A.6 Professional preparation
A masseur usually has secondary education and has completed professional training.
A.7 Most common occupational titles
Masseur, masseuse.
B Competency Requirements
B.1 Structure of occupation
Competency Requirements: Mandatory competences B.2.1-B.2.3 and recurring competence B.2.4 must be certified when applying for the qualification of Masseur, EstQF Level 5.
B.2 Competences
Mandatory competences
    Competence EstQF Level
B.2.1 Kliendi teenindamine, teenuste ja toodete tutvustamine 5

1. võtab kliendi vastu, tutvustab ennast ja eelseisvat massaažiprotseduuri; loob kliendile turvalise keskkonna; pärast massaaži tegemist küsib kliendi enesetunde ja rahulolu kohta tagasisidet; soovitab kliendile järgmisi massaažiseansse või muid teenuseid, lähtudes kliendi soovidest ja vajadustest; lahendab võimalikud arusaamatused delikaatselt;
2. tutvustab kliendile osutatavaid teenuseid ja kasutatavaid tooteid, kirjeldades teenuste ja toodete sisu ning otstarvet; vajadusel suunab edasi tootespetsialisti juurde.
B.2.2 Massage and supporting activities 5

Performance indicators:
1. prepares the massage room, tools and equipment in accordance with the health and ergonomic requirements of the room; prepares the workspace according to the type of massage; maintains the workplace in line with occupational safety, ergonomic and hygiene requirements; arranges the room before and after the massage session;
2. identifies the reason for the appointment, the expectations and the potential health risks to the client based on knowledge of the human body’s construction and function, the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system and the principles of motor control, using appropriate methods, including manual muscle testing; collects information using a medical history questionnaire, information given by the client's doctor, and/or interviews with the client; prepares the client based on the specifics of the type of chosen massage;
3. selects the appropriate type of massage and tools, taking into account the client’s wishes, indications and contraindications related to various diseases and conditions; explain the chosen approach chosen to the client and recommends other options or referral to a health care specialist in the case of health risks; selects appropriate techniques (e.g. tempo, rhythm and strength), tools (e.g. oils, creams and cups) and session design; informs the client of the direct and indirect effects of the massage, including possible interactions between massage and the use of medicines;
4. performs massage (classic, sports, segment, lymphatic, aroma, workplace, paediatric and reflective massages) according to the plan, adjusting the massage plan where necessary; interacts with the client for feedback, applies ergonomic techniques, assists the client in changing their body position, uses equipment as needed; ensures the client's privacy when dressing and during the massage;
5. informs the client of the end of the massage session and possible orthostatic reaction (risk of falling), where necessary assisting the client in getting off the massage table/mat; informs the client of possible physical and psychological changes to the body after the massage (e.g. muscle pain, drowsiness and headache); gives recommendations for post-massage activities and, where necessary, advises the client to consult a health care professional and/or physiotherapist;
6. evaluates the results of the massage using appropriate assessment methods (e.g. joint and fascia mobility, skin colour and posture assessment and musculoskeletal testing).
B.2.3 Massage business 5

Performance indicators:
1. evaluates business opportunities based on the objectives of their operations; selects the most suitable form of enterprise; manages their activities taking professional information, legislation and the basics of small enterprises into account;
2. prices services based on operating costs and the market situation; prepares a salon budget based on expenses and revenue; adheres to budget implementation; organises the purchasing of the necessary products and consumables; manages the customer base in compliance with legislation;
3. prepares sales and marketing campaigns based on the concept of the salon; puts together loyalty programmes.
Recurring competences
    Competence EstQF Level
B.2.4 Recurring competences of Masseur 5

Performance indicators:
1. uses professional terminology, expressing themselves clearly and comprehensibly;
2. acts in accordance with professional ethics in their work;
3. follows occupational safety and hygiene requirements;
4. documents their actions and ensures the confidentiality of data;
5. uses Estonian in their work at the B1 level and one foreign language at the A1 level (Annex 1);
6. continues professional training and is aware of evidence-based developments in the speciality;
7. provides first aid, where necessary;
8. has knowledge of the philosophical aspects of branches of Eastern medicine (Tibetan, Ayurvedic, Japanese, Thai and Chinese) and of the most common types of massage arising from these branches;
9. is proficient in the use of the standard office software needed for the job; finds the information needed for their work online and critically assesses its reliability; maintains electronic correspondence; ensures the safety of electronic data.

Assessment methods:
Recurring competences are evaluated as part of the assessment of the other competences listed in the occupational qualification standard.
C General information and Annexes
Designation of occupational qualification standard in register: 23-28112018-2.1/8k
Field of occupational activity: Health
Occupational Qualification Council: Health
No. of decision of Occupational Qualification Council: 13
Date of decision of Occupational Qualification Council: 28.11.2018
EstQF level: 5
Reference to European Qualifications Framework (EQF): 5
Subfield: Massage
Occupation: Massage therapist
International Standard Classification of Occupations: 3 Technicians and Associate Professionals
32 Health Associate Professionals
325 Other Health Associate Professionals
3255 Physiotherapy Technicians and Assistants
ISCED Fields of Education and Training (ISCED-F 2013): 09 Health and welfare
091 Health
0915 Therapy and rehabilitation
Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (NACE): Q HUMAN HEALTH AND SOCIAL WORK ACTIVITIES
86 Human health activities
Annex 1 Language skills level descriptions
Occupational qualification standard compiled by
Name Organisation
Inna Alps Vihula mõis
Anne Ast Eesti Spaaliit
Martin Ilves Eesti Massaaži- ja Teraapiakool
Alar Krautman Krautmani Massaazi- ja Terviseakadeemia
Katrin Kõre Eesti Füsioterapeutide Liit
Mai-Liis Pille Eesti Massööride Liit
Marit Salus Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool
Helvis Trääder Fysiopark OÜ

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