Karjäärispetsialist, tase 6 on inimestele abiks karjääri kujundamisega seotud eesmärkide seadmisel, oskuste arendamisel ja otsuste langetamisel . Karjääriteenuste valdkonna spetsialistina toetab ta inimesi kutse, tööalase rolli, ning õppimise võimaluste valimisel ja elluviimisel. Karjäärispetsialis...tid töötavad (karjääri)nõustamiskeskustes, haridusasutustes jt organisatsioonides nii avalikus, era- kui kolmandas sektoris. Nende kliendid võivad olla erinevas vanuses inimesed, sh õpilased, üliõpilased, töötavad täiskasvanud, töötud, samuti ka lapsevanemad, haridustöötajad, tööandjad. Lisaks klienditööle valmistab karjäärispetsialist, tase 6 ette metoodilisi materjale, vajadusel konsulteerib teiste spetsialistidega kliendi edasise tegevuse kavandamisel, kogub ja analüüsib tagasisidet. Olulisel kohal on avalikkuse teavitamine karjääriteenustest.
Karjäärispetsialisti töö on vaimselt pingeline ning nõuab inimese erinevate raskusastmetega vajaduste ja probleemide mõistmist ning nendega tegelemist. Olulisel kohal on eetiliste põhimõtete ja konfidentsiaalsusnõuete järgimine.
Karjäärispetsialist võib töötada karjäärinõustamise, karjääriinfo vahendamise, karjääriõppe ja karjäärijuhtimise alal.
Kutsealal on ka 7. taseme karjäärispetsialist. MoreHide
Karjäärispetsialistina töötavad tavaliselt inimesed, kellel on kõrgharidus, läbitud karjäärispetsialisti kompetentsidega seotud koolitus(ed) ning erialane töökogemus.
A.4 Most common occupational titles
Karjäärispetsialist, karjääriinfo spetsialist, karjäärinõustaja, karjäärikonsultant, karjäärikoordinaator, karjääriõpetuse õpetaja, karjääricoach.
B Competency Requirements
B.1 Structure of occupation
Competency Requirements:
Kutse koosneb üldoskustest ja kohustuslikest ning valitavatest kompetentsidest. Kutse taotlemisel tuleb tõendada üldoskused, kõik kohustuslikud kompetentsid B.3.1-B.3.3 ja vähemalt üks valitav kompetents B.3.4-B.3.6.
B.2 General skills of Career Specialist, EstQF Level 6
1. analüüsib ennast ja oma tööd, kasutades mh saadud tagasisidet ning planeerib enda professionaalset arengut; arendab tööks vajalikke oskusi, täiendades end erialaselt, sh hoides end kursis uuemate suundadega elukestva õppe, tööturu ja karjääriteenuste valdkondades;
2. püstitab ...selged tööeesmärgid ja kavandab tegevused nendeni jõudmiseks, reageerib võimalikele muutustele paindlikult; kasutab aega efektiivselt, planeerib ja organiseerib ressursse ülesannete täitmisel, peab tähtaegadest kinni; töötab süsteemselt ja metoodiliselt; järgib tööga seotud regulatsioone ning isikuandmete kaitse ja konfidentsiaalsuse nõudeid;
3. jälgib, hindab ja väärtustab oma füüsilist, vaimset ja emotsionaalset tervist, tegutseb nende tasakaalus hoidmise nimel, optimeerides iseenda aja- ning energiakulu; otsib probleemide tekkimisel vajadusel professionaalset abi, osaleb kovisioonil ja/või supervisioonil; märkab kolleegide edusamme ja tunnustab neid;
4. tugineb oma töös asjakohastele infoallikatele ja tõenduspõhisele infole; vahendab informatsiooni struktureeritult ja loogiliselt vastavalt kliendi arusaamale; analüüsib ja tõlgendab kvalitatiivseid ja kvantitatiivseid andmeid, kasutades sobivaid meetodeid;
5. lähtub tööturu- ja haridusinfost ja nende seostest, kohaliku ja riigi tasandi teenustest, majanduse alustest ning haridust ja töösuhteid reguleerivatest õigusaktidest;
6. tunneb karjäärijuhtimise põhimõtteid ja praktikaid organisatsioonides ning erinevates valdkondades, rakendab neid klienditöös;
7. arvestab oma töös nõustamispsühholoogia aluseid ning kasutab sobivaid nõustamisteooriaid ja meetodeid; kasutab tõenduspõhiseid karjäärikujundamise teooriaid (sh karjäärinõustamise ja -infovahendamise teooriaid) ja meetodeid;
8. arvestab oma töös kliendi eripäradega, tuginedes arengu- ja isiksusepsühholoogia ning individuaalsete erinevuste psühholoogia alustele; tunneb ära kliendi kohanematust põhjustavad psühholoogilised omadused; hindab kriitiliselt oma pädevust erivajadustega klientidega töötamiseks;
9. näitab üles huvi ja teistest arusaamist, kasutab asjakohaselt erinevaid suhtlemistehnikaid, tuginedes suhtlemispsühholoogia alustele; väljendab ennast selgelt ja arusaadavalt; lähtub võrdse kohtlemise põhimõtetest, sh arvestab (sotsio)kultuuriliste erinevustega; tuleb toime konfliktidega ja säilitab enesekontrolli ka keerulistes olukordades;
10. kohaneb meeskonnaga, tajub ja täidab oma rolli meeskonnas, järgib ühiseid kokkuleppeid;
11. järgib oma töös kutse-eetikat (lisa 1);
12. kasutab eesti keelt osaoskuste suhtlemine ja mõistmineosas tasemel C1 ning osaoskuse kirjutamine osas tasemel B2 (lisa 2 Keeleoskuse hindamise skaala); kasutab vähemalt ühte võõrkeelt tasemel B2, mis toetab karjäärispetsialisti professionaalset enesearengut;
13. kasutab e-nõustamise metoodikaid, tehnikaid ja töövahendeid nii individuaalselt kui grupis;
14. kasutab oma töös arvutit vastavalt DigComp enesehindamise skaala iseseisva kasutaja tasemele, va sisuloome osaoskust algtasemel kasutaja tasemel (lisa 3). MoreHide
B.3 Competences
Mandatory competences
EstQF Level
Promotion of Services
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Performance Indicators:
1. Plans public awareness activities within the scope of responsibilities; explains the nature and necessity of career development to the public, using appropriate channels and forms for target groups and interest groups, including presenting career services at events related to the field (e.g., fairs, information days).
2. Develops and compiles informational materials, considering communication principles; references sources correctly and observes copyright.
Networking to provide services
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Performance indicators:
1. develops a network for cooperation necessary for the work; cooperates with different stakeholders in the field; collects and analyses the network's feedback to better organize/ further develop its work;
2. participates in the activities of networks and working groups at local level by expressing opinions and making suggestions in the field of career services.
Service development
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Performance indicators:
1. participates in the development of services as agreed upon by considering the needs of the target group; makes suggestions for improvements to the analysis of service provision.
2. prepares and updates information and resources/materials by taking into account the specific needs of the target group, the feedback received from clients and the setting for the service provision; participates in task groups that prepare information and resources;
3. maintains regular and accurate records of services; collects feedback from clients using relevant methods for it; collects and analyses the feedback from clients and other relevant stakeholders.
Optional Competences
EstQF Level
Career counselling
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Performance Indicators:
1. Establishes contact with the client, familiarizes themselves with the client's needs and current situation; agrees with the client on a time-bound, measurable, and achievable counselling goal; develops a counselling plan and discusses with the client an action plan for achieving the agreed counselling goal, based on the client's needs.
2. Guides the client's further actions based on the agreed action plan, relying on the principles of career development and counselling processes.
3. Uses evidence-based assessment tools in evaluating the client, relying on basic knowledge of psychometrics.
4. Depending on the goal, collaborates with the client to map their situation and activity options, considering supportive or inhibiting factors.
5. Informs the client about key career information sources, including international ones, or performs information search together with the client based on their needs.
6. Collaborates with the client in creating their career plan, relying on education and labour market information, their interconnections, and the principles of lifelong learning.
7. Identifies the needs of the target group/counselling group members, considering their career management skills; guides group members to formulate a common and, if necessary, individual goal; depending on the goal of session and the needs of the group, defines the topics to be covered, plans necessary activities, selects appropriate tools and materials.
8. Creates a motivating counselling environment; facilitates group work and guides group processes, considering the principles of teamwork and individual needs of group members; provides feedback to group members during the session.
9. Based on the counselling objectives, evaluates outcomes together with the client/group and plans further actions.
10. Analyses the counselling process and feedback from the participants, reflects on their work, using the results for planning self-development and improving services.
Career Information Provision
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Performance Indicators:
1. Establishes contact with the client, familiarizes themselves with the client's situation and identifies information needs, information search skills, and readiness for independent information search; agrees with the client on a time-bound, measurable, and achievable counselling/guidance goal; defines suitable information sources, uses information search strategies; assesses the relevance of information sources.
2. Informs the client about labour market and education information resources, including international mobility opportunities, based on the client's needs; guides the client in career information search, use of information sources, creating connections between information found from different sources, and developing information search skills; guides the client in participating in the application process.
3. Identifies the information needs of the group, taking into account the career management skills of the members; depending on the goal of group activities and the needs of the group, defines the topics to be covered, plans necessary activities, selects appropriate form and methods, and prepares materials.
4. Specifies the goal at the group meeting; creates an environment supportive of the development of career-related decision-making skills, digital and information literacy; facilitates group work, adjusting methods as needed; considers the principles of teamwork and individual needs of participants.
5. Gathers and systematizes information about education and labour market, mediates relevant information to target groups for the provision of career services and career development.
Implementation of Career Education
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Performance Indicators:
1. Coordinates and develops the provision of career services in an educational institution, based on the needs of students, the national and school curricula; leads working groups and develops cooperation with both internal and external stakeholders.
2. Involves teachers and other school staff in planning and implementation of career education; supports colleagues in the implementation of career education, addressing career development topics in various subjects and activities, and in preparing work plans.
3. Disseminates career information and guides learners in acquiring career management skills, involving parents as needed and based on the forms of career education and the curriculum; refers the student and/or parent to the relevant specialist when necessary.
4. Gathers and analyses feedback from internal and external stakeholders regarding the quality of career education; analyses the overall situation of career education at the school and reflects on their work, using results for improving career education within school and planning self-development.
C General information and Annexes
Designation of occupational qualification standard in register:
Field of occupational activity:
Occupational Qualification Council:
No. of decision of Occupational Qualification Council:
Date of decision of Occupational Qualification Council:
EstQF level:
Reference to European Qualifications Framework (EQF):